How hilarious (and accurate) is this Thought Catalogue blog post, written by Chelsea Fagan? Some of my favorite quotes are below, but do yourself a favor and read the entire post.
On the sacredness of “Boy Meets World”:
“Topanga (pronounced Tah-payne-ga, for those who will have only ever seen in it written down) is the name of the quintessential girl-next-door who will live, along with Feeney, in our hearts forever.”
On the power of Will Smith:
“The Men In Black rap song, at the time, was created and received by the public without the slightest trace of irony. Really. He was that good.”
On choosing between N*SYNC and The Backstreet Boys:
“Though on the surface, they are the exact same thing in every conceivable way, whether you liked The Backstreet Boys or N*SYNC said more about your character than all of the terrible macaroni art you could ever make for your child psychologist.”
On the Spice Girls phenomenon:
““I wanna really really really wanna zig a zig ahh,” has a meaning, and all true nineties kids know it, but we must never share it. Like the Illuminati, it must remain between us, the keyholders. With great power comes great responsibility.”
On Lisa Frank:
“It is a theory, a concept, a belief in something greater than yourself. It is the belief that all girls are entitled to dolphins covered with rainbows, jewel-encrusted frogs, and unicorns in acid-trip colors hugging each other.”