Country Universe: Best singles of 2010

We counted down the 40 best country singles of 2010 over at Country Universethis week, ending with the rare critically-acclaimed radio smash, “The House That Built Me” by Miranda Lambert. That an understated, acoustic song like this one not only cracked country radio but perpetuated Lambert to long overdue stardom is something worth celebrating.

Unlike Lambert’s hit, my two personal favorite singles this year are a little harder to fit in a box – which is why I love them. Neither is decidedly country, but both bottle emotion as skillfully as the best country songs. Check ‘em out below, along with my write-ups from the countdown.

“Drop On By,” Laura Bell Bundy (#8)

A contemporary spin on the standard country theme of heartache, “What Do You Want” owes its brilliance to its perfect storm of elements: The raw honesty of Niemann’s plea (“I get so tired of living like this/I don’t have the time/Neither do my friends”). The hollow, pulsing arrangement that mirrors his cycle of pain. The killer vocal performance, soaked in emotional fatigue. Each element draws out the potency of the next, culminating in one of the most captivating releases of the year.

Posted on December 23, 2010 and filed under Music.

Those crazy 20-somethings

I’m strangely in love with this Thought Catalog blog post, “How to be a 20-Something,” despite the fact that it contradicts itself and bounces from tongue-in-cheek to sharply insightful. Or maybe that’s why I love it. Maybe that’s the only way to get through your 20s – by striking that balance between laughing at yourself and forcing yourself to seize those 20-something opportunities that come around once in a lifetime.

Some of my favorite lines from the post, written by Ryan O’Connell:

Read the New York Times piece, “What Is It About 20-Somethings?” Feel exposed and humiliated.

Remember that you’re young and that the world is your oyster. Everything is possible, you still have so much to see and hear. You went to a good school and did good things. Figure if you’re not going to be successful, who the hell is?

Date people who you know you’ll never be able to love. See someone for three months for no other reason than because it’s winter and you want to keep warm by holding another body.

Start your twenties with a lot of friends and leave with a few good ones. What happened? People faded away into their careers and relationships. Fights were had and never resolved. Shit happens.
Posted on December 21, 2010 and filed under Sound Bites.

Friday flashback: *NSYNC, "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays"

If you don’t love this unapologetically cheesy song even a smidge, you’re probably in denial. 90s kids: who remembers this “Holidays in Concert” special that aired on the Disney Channel circa 1998?

“Idol” Season 8 finalist Matt Giraud put his own spin on the pop song last Saturday at a holiday concert he performed in Rockford, MI. Watch his cover below, complete with a local high school choir rocking crazy holiday sweaters. Come to think of it, the sweaters kind of capture the essence of the song…

Posted on December 17, 2010 and filed under Music, American Idol.

Let's "Idol"

Two new “American Idol” commercials aired last night, the first spotlighting judge Jennifer Lopez, and the second flashing through the audition madness. So far, I’m on board with everything I’ve seen and heard from Lopez, who not only has the insight to pull off her new gig, but seems awfully genuine and focused about it.

Check out the commercials below, via (Oh, and also check out this great “USA Today” piece on the new judges that I was lucky enough to be a part of back in September.)

Posted on December 8, 2010 and filed under American Idol.

Sound Bite: Jeans and underwear people

Why can’t blue jean people — the people that make the blue jeans; I call them blue jean people – and underwear people get together and decide on one standard height for the articles of clothing? Instead of everybody walking around with a thong that’s 18 inches above their waist or granny panties that are scrunched up inside their pants like Venetian blinds, they should just sell jeans and underwear together. That’s what they should do. Like you’re choosing wine that goes with your meal. Like, ‘Oh are you going to go with a low rise? May I suggest a nice thong? Oh, you’re buying the mom jeans? I would pair that with a small parachute.’
— -Ellen DeGeneres in yesterday’s (always hilarious) opening monologue of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
Posted on December 2, 2010 and filed under Sound Bites.