Friday flashback: Best singles of the 90s

Slant Magazine recently published a monster list of the best 100 singles of the 90s- with commentary that’s made me think, reminisce and, quite frankly, wish I were a better writer.

About six months ago, over at Country Universe, we similarly counted down thebest 400 country singles of the 90s. It’s a decade we hold close to our heart as a staff, so it was a rewarding experience to compile and explore our list, which ended with this (unembeddable) gem. Here’s an excerpt from Kevin Coyne’s excellentwrite-up for the song:

It’s a record that could’ve only existed in the nineties, when country music was broad enough to allow outside influences, but self-confident enough to incorporate them without sacrificing its own identity and integrity. “Maybe it Was Memphis” defines an era of country music that approached meritocracy, an era where genuine talent paired with a worthy song was regularly rewarded. An era where a young artist’s debut single could become a classic as easily as the latest from a veteran superstar.
Posted on January 21, 2011 and filed under Music, Writing.